
About Us

Creative Child Nursery - Bamboo Kids has been particularly designed to provide our children with the resources and experiences they need to Play, Learn and Grow. Our purposefully created setting provides an enriched learning experience that is hands on and encouraged through play. All our areas are designed to intrigue and promote curiosity. Bamboo Kids' highly qualified team makes certain that children are provided with the best care and support whilst in the setting.

bamboo kids bradford nursery


Our Ethos

At Bamboo Kids we maintain our code of conduct and ensure that we provide a level of care in our setting that promotes confident and self-sufficiently. Our children learn best through experiences and gentle motivation so that they are constantly achieving their goals. We encourage growth through our child-led 'In The Moment' planning which assists us in helping children flourish through their interests. Our happy and caring environment ensures children learn and develop in a safe and positive manner.

bambookids nursery bradford

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